I don't think it's a client-side problem.
Actually, it happened again and I figured out what was wrong. It was a client-side problem, but it was essentially PEBKAC error. Here's what I'd done:

- I like clearing cache and cookies frequently, so I'd enabled the MyIE2 feature to do so on each browser exit.

- But I hadn't exited the MyIE2 session, I was in the middle of a post. So I knew that the clear-on-browser-exit hadn't been the culprit.

- Actually, it turns out that it had been the culprit. I was browsing another site in a completely different session of MyIE2 (not just a different tab, but a whole separate window) and had closed that window.

Conclusion: MyIE2's feature to clear cache and cookies on exit applies to each instance of the program, not to all instances of the program globally. Wonder if they take feature requests...
Tony Fabris