I have no problems with someone being religious and following that parts of the bible that seem reasonable to me as long as they are sensible enough to realize that some parts of it are wrong

I would absolutly weep with joy to head a Christian say this. My point was more that if you base a religion on the concept that your scripture is a historical, factual document, you cannot change it without admitting that it's not totally factual / historical.

What I was trying to get at is that a person isn't the sum of their religious beliefs.

I would agree. I would also say this isn't really the same concept as the statement I was responding to. I believe if you join a group, you are bound by the groups beliefs. Or, you leave the group. If you join a Christian church, you should behave in the manner dictated by that particular belief system. If you feel you are a Christian, yet feel that no organized church is a good fit, you can always practice on your own.

I should have said something along the lines of 'because your beliefs aren't the same as theirs'

Thank you, and apology is (of course) accepted.