I certainly didn't see that during the Superbowl. We watched all the commercials, too.

I said what I said above because it truly does seem to be a regional thing when it comes to advertising. I'm seeing ads all the time either posted on the internet or somewhere, and I've never seen it before. Having Tivo isn't what does it, because I can still see the ads I'm skipping, and I do pay attention to them (despite what the advertising companies think). If I don't its because I've seen the same one 500 times this month already, and there's no way its funny anymore.

As for the length, it is a little long. The usual lengths are one minute or 30 seconds, right? And some one-minutes have short versions. But I wouldn't be suprised if the ESPN commercial that's on TV now is 1.5 minutes long. It's really good, so I don't mind the length.