I've always used Intel processors (no good reason - just inertia) and have had a series of non-intel chipset motherboards. Installs on these machines almost always yeilded some problem (ranging from 3in1 VIA driver issues to memory capacity (1GB usable at 100Mhz, 756MB allowed at 133Mhz FSB - undocumented) to misc. lockups while gaming with another MOBO - not heat related).

I recently upgraded my Mobo/Processor & RAM without reinstalling the OS. I used an Intel 865-PERL-K and did not have a single problem. Every other Mobo install required an OS reinstall (windows 95, 98, 2k) and this one did not.

So, while I can't comment on the AMD side, if you go Intel for the processor, my vote is for an Intel chipset to match.

