this may be beyond the scope of 'off topic', but any comments will be appreciated.
it's been on my mind for some time now, I'm about to hit my mid-thirties. it's not my own demise that brings this on, but of those close to me.
I just got word from my father (mid-70s) that he just spent a few days in ER going over some heart issues. he's the most important person in the world to me, and it's a good deal more than I can handle.
my best friend lost both of his parents in recent years, and since then I can't get the idea out of my mind. if I didn't have children of my own, I would gladly take my own life before I had to endure the loss of my father.
surely (and sadly) there must be others in this fine community that have gone through the loss of a close loved one. how in the (heck) does one carry on?

sorry for the sappy-esque and bad language.