Running v1.01rc2... was trying to upgrade to v1.01. During the upgrade, it hung halfway through "Programming flash (Kernel)". I had to hit cancel then unplug the empeg. Now when I try to upgrade to v1.01 (or v1.01rc2) it hangs at "Programming flash (Kernel)" and the bar doesn't move across. Using Hyperterminal I get the following results when applying power to the unit:

empeg-car v0.05 19991011 (
If there is anyone present who wants to upgrade the flash, let them speak now,
or forever hold their seems not. Let fly the Penguins of Linux!

e000 v1.01
Copying kernel...
Calling linux kernel...
(undefined instruction vector)

Question 1: What do I do? hehehe
Question 2: Did I lose my music?
Question 3: Did I lose my EQ settings?

Thanks for your help in advance... in the meantime, I'm riding in complete silence. :(

Craig Elliott

P.S. also sent a copy to the empeg guys
Craig Elliott