I've now had a quick chat on the telephone to Hugo about the acquisition...

This supports the very point that many of us are concerned about. Let's see you "have a quick chat on the telephone" with the CEO of Dell, Gateway, Oracle, or... S3.

I have felt from the beginning that I was part of a very close-knit community with empeg and this bbs. Can it remain that way now that guys@empeg aren't just our guys any more, but are now answerable to higher-ups with agendas of their own?

I have to believe that the input and commentary from the users of this bbs has been of considerable value to empeg. Will S3 appreciate that? Will we still have any say in the future development of our beloved toys?

Having gone through more than a few corporate takeovers, I always wait for the new owners to say "We like the way you're running things. We're not going to change anything." and then I tighten my belt because I know the bad times they are a'coming.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"