Yeah, the eyewitness (and random joe) accounts are easily the weakest point of the presentation. But one set of bad evidence doesn't contaminate the rest.
The pentagon yard is pretty clear in those photographs. Where else do you expect a debris or impact trail to be? I suppose it's possible that the airplane hit precisely, like a drop shot in raquetball. Maybe that's why there's no debris anywhere. It all fell into the corner.
To me, the lact of any indication of wings is the biggest problem. Also, given the fact that there's no apparent entry point for the engines on the outside of the building, what's the twelve foot or so high hole in the interior? If someone with authority could come along and say that it's easily feasible for the wings to have folded up and followed the fuselage into the building via the same hole, I'd be satisfied, but right now, I don't see how that could be the case. There doesn't even seem to be any dent in the building where they might have hit in order to collapse.
Bitt Faulk