Is there anything in particular that I should look out for? I don't mind spoilers etc. For example: Is Aimee Mann(?) likely to appear singing live on Time Stand Still or something?!

Aimee never performed live with them. Whenever they played that song live, they put up the video from the MTV music video of her singing the chorus parts, and a digital playback of her voice was synched with the music. Anyway, I don't believe that song is in the set list this year.

What to look out for... Hmmmm....

A lot of the inside jokes that they're doing in the intro movies to the first and second set are geared towards people who've been attending their concerts for the last 30 years and may just go right over your head. There's enough fun stuff in there that should keep anyone happy though.

Their opening medley (assuming they're still doing it the same way they did when I saw them recently) is a montage of early-period songs. But they're purely instrumental versions. I think they did it that way because they were hoping the audience would sing them, but no one seemed to catch on to that when I saw them. Perhaps the Rush-starved Londonites will be enthusastic enough to start singing, who knows?

Sometimes they'll do little sound effects and such during and between songs. Favorite moment for me was at the end of "The Trees", if I recall correctly, there's a sample of Homer Simpson going "MMMmmmm... Forbidden doughnut....". That sort of thing.

Don't dilly dally too long during the intermission, the intro movie coming back from the intermission is very funny and not to be missed, so hurry up at the concession stands and get back to your seat. They'll start playing the sound of crickets chirping a couple of minutes before the intermission is over, as sort of a hint to get back to your seat.

Oh, one big deal: BRING EARPLUGS for you and your guests, just in case. Their sound is very inconsistent from year to year and from venue to venue. Indoor venues especially have been (unfortunately) way WAY too loud in recent years.

Another big deal: BUY THE PROGRAM. If you've got limited cash and can only afford a T-shirt *or* a program, definitely the program is much more enjoyable than a T-shirt. Me, I make sure to bring enough for both. Now, what I didn't expect was the bobblehead dolls at the concession stands. That was an extra 60 bucks (US), and I'm still kicking myself for deciding "nah, they're too expensive" and not getting a set. So, basically, what I'm saying is... BRING LOTS OF EXTRA CASH for buying goodies at the concession stands.

If the reference to bobbleheads has confused you, all will become clear as soon as you've watched the intro movie to the second set. No spoilers.

Mainly, just relax and enjoy yourself. If they want you to really see or hear something, it'll be big. Don't obsess to much over details, just get there and enjoy yourself.

am I likely to encounter any 'security' problems taking my empeg in there?

I don't know what things are like in London, but I never have any trouble at all bringing my empeg into a concert. The security people want to look inside the bag of course, so I unzip it, show it to them, say "It's my car stereo", they say "Oh, ok" and wave me on.

I did see the security people get on someone for trying to use a camera-enabled cell phone. But since it clearly said "no cameras" on the ticket stub...
Tony Fabris