Well, I already have the YPrPb adapter for the xbox. The projector has a DVI and 2 vga's, along with the standard component inputs.
I've purchased the ATI DVI to YPrPb thingy, but it turned out my projector has the digital only connector (I think?), and the ATI adapter was one with the 4 extra analog pins.

I've looked around for a more detailed spec sheet, but haven't had much luck. This is the only thing that really lists the basic specs - http://www.mitsubishi-electric.com.tw/eng_et/digi/lvp_x400u.htm

I was thinking about trying to remove the 4 analog pins from the ATI connector, but then I’m not sure what damage I could do to the DVI input.

How much are the VGA to YPrPb boxes?
Oliver mk1 30gb: 129 | mk2a 30gb: 040104126