There's just too many rules and regulations and laws on what you can do or say or watch or this or that and more on the horizon and when or where will it ever end.What ever happened to live and let live,.....
Probably from a different angle, I would say I am pretty concerned about some *more* rules and regulations (say, moralistic ones) along with maybe less rules and regs (corporate governance, treaties, envirnmental law).
... now it's we have to make sure no one is offended in anyway.
I think it is nice if we don't offend people, at least without giving them a heads-up. I swear a lot privately, but I hate it when people swear on public transport in earshot of folks with different sensibilities..
God forbid if little Johny should look in someone's window and see a naked person on a TV screen.
Well, when naked people come on my TV, I *always* close the blinds! Think of poor Johnny! 
And heaven forbid if I sit outside next to someone even in an open air environment and smoke. I prefer to stay home and keep to myself. That way I bother no one.
Well, I kind of think of this in the same vein as when I go to the park and sit down next to somebody with my bongo drums. A little "Hey, you dig bongoes?" always helps 
Back to smoking, though, I think that somebody else pointed out the anachronistic nature of some of that past "freedom". I remember crossing the ocean on a full chartered DC8 way back when with half the plane smoking and the other half (literally) puking). In the early 80s, when I worked on an ICU that CPR'd smokers every other day, nurses could still duck into the tiny glass-enclosed conference space (right on the unit) for a smoke break. Now *that's* anachronism. In the US, I would say that the onward march of no-smoking-in-enclosed-public-spaces is pretty much a done deal.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.