...No thanks. I understand their desire to stop software piracy...
Interesting to think that, in fact, the last figures I heard said that private user sales accounted for only about 20% of the sales of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. The rest is all sales to corporate and government accounts. Microsoft is more than happy to give a discount to these customers, knowing that they're still paying MS far in excess of what they'd get from retail sales.
So why, then, is it so important to Microsoft to stamp out piracy at all costs? It's not like it's costing them anywhere near what they're losing by discounting to corporate customers. So they're jumping up and down and making a big fuss over something which is happening anyway and is never going to go away.
I suppose what really surprises me is that Microsoft hasn't changed their slogan to "First time is free, man..." 
Have fun,
P.S. I'm sticking with Windows 2000. Haven't had any problems with games, and I've only had one application that doesn't want to run under anything but XP (which is MixMeister, so I'm pretty pissed off, but I'll live with using the earlier version...)
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