Looks like it is about £170 a year here, which is fine.

The problem that I have had until now is that I have had no idea how much power we were using or even how much money we were paying a year.

It doesn't matter how many times they come to read the meter or we phone in the meter readings, or electricity supplier still manages to provide estimated bills most of the time. These bills are often 100% off of the actual usage.

Combine this with the fact that we are on their budget payment scheme where we yo-yo between them owing us a couple of hundred pound and us owing them a similar amount and it is a mess.

At least now I can see instantly how much power I am using and work out how much it is costing. I guess I could have done that with the electicity meter as well, but that isn't very conveniently located...
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday