Verify your netmask/subnet mask, whatever people call it.

So both nics in the laptop should have an ip scheme similar to:

Nic1 (internal)
gateway: ip# of nic0

Nic0 (external)
ip#:24.64.... (anything publicly accessible)
netmask: (usaually, but I have seen some wierd ones, whatever this is, make it so for nic1, you will save a whole lot of grief later)
gateway ip: usually a dns server on your isp

Empeg unit:
ip: anything along same subnet as nic1, just increment last octet of nic1 by one, for simplicity.
netmask: same as nic0 and nic1
gateway: nic1 ip addy

that simple arrangement should allow the os to geneerate the default routes necessary for emplode to function. Now if someone builds a web browser for the empeg, well, it should work in this situation as well.

Now if you already have this setup, and I have typed with a hangover for nothing, well, then it would appear that your routes (that's rrr-ow-t-s, not roots; ground, not earth) are not in order, but I suspect that with your current setup, you are having an inconsistency with your netmask.

but that's me, not you...I tried.
Now whatever happened to the spel chek?

#080000449 MkII - 36Gb Blue
2x160Gb MkII Lighted Buttons 080000449