There is something to be said for her going from being a divorced housewife who started her own catering business to being head of a multi-million-dollar corporation.
Oh I agree for sure. And really, I think it's likely she has the better business sense than DT. She has been very shrewd in her business, especially branding. From what I've seen of DT (which isn't very much) I get the impression he's successful more for his persistence and bluster than his business sense. Of course, so much of what he does on TV is fake and designed for publicity, it's really hard to get a read on him anyway. Certainly he knows how to capitialize on success and work his image (even if it means lying).

Still DT is WAY more glamerous than MS, which is why his reality TV show probably works so well. Working for someone just getting out of prison just seems to lack the glam appeal, but what do I know? When we first started watching the show I thought the idea of seeing people compete in quasi-work situations was an interesting idea and the boardroom was silly and devisive. It didn't take the show long to start downplaying the real work and start focusing on the "firing".
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.