Did this review get Slashdotted? The site is blocking traffic due to bandwidth limits... Anyone manage to mirror the content?

Darn, and the Movie Review Query Engine doesn't have it listed yet either.

I skimmed the article and its author basically had the following problems with the film:

- It wasn't funny.

- It removed many of the original clever jokes and replaced them with unfunny sophomoric gags.

- It dumbed-down Douglas's original dialogue, making it less sharp and witty.

- Guide segments were too few, and too changed. Example: Babelfish guide segment explains what a babelfish is, but leaves out the "non-existence of god" joke at the end.

- Many of the plot elements got left on the cutting room floor, meaning at times characters would appear in the right place with the right stuff, but without a good reason for it.

I hope he's wrong and overreacting. So far he's just one reviewer. I'm still gonna go see it, I really have no choice. The article was conveniently divided up so that the spoilers were on a separately linked set of pages. I was grateful for that, I didn't look at the spoilers.
Tony Fabris