Maybe do some checking of the info in the form before submitting? and just error when they click the submit telling them whats wrong and to correct it?

I'd love to, but for historical reasons I can't. I've got several sites running on the same backend and the javascript code required to do that form validation on this specific page isn't possible without changing the layout and names of the form fields on the page. If I do that then I break all the other sites and I don't have the time/staff to update and retest the other sites.

I think the right answer is after processing the data from the form on page 1 to redirect to page 2. That way I.E. shouldn't prompt to repost the form data and even if it does prompt to refetch page 2 it won't cause a problem. I've still got to figure out what else that might break though

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration