Yes I think the operative word is should. You're right the old cars were more powerful and lighter than the current and previous models. But there's also the transmission to consider. I remember the newer Escort RS2000 had a 4WD model but they must've sold like 3 of them because the drivetrain just ate up all the power and made the car slow and unresponsive. I know a lot people thought the 2WD Cossie was better than the 4WD version for similar reasons.

If memory serves, isn't the new WRX simply equivalent to the old Turbo and the new STi equivalent to the old WRX? they sort tuned the models down a notch. It's also very difficult to find a scooby running stock, almost everyone you see is running increased boost. So tempting, now if only I could find someone to buy my 172....

Andy M