I dont know about anyone else, but I have had the regular wireless logitech mice/keyboard combos, I use them on my bed no desk for my pc. I had problems with reception. it would cut out some. with the bluetooth combo I have, I could turn away from the computer behind pillows/blankets type upside down and it would never loose connection (Not that I do).. I also have had no problems with batteries..mouse is rechargable (and have gone a week with out it on the charger with constant use) and the keyboard cant remmeber the last time I actually changed the batteries.. as for the delay its never been a problem for me. I just start typing and it will blurt it all out and chatch up to me the first time I start using it after its gone idle.It was kinda pricey when I got it, like 100 more then the regular but I wouldnt go back after it.
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