In the same vein, I have wondered when it became acceptable for women to display their bra straps. I won't go so far as to say it's "just wrong", but it does strike me as curious.
UGH! Clothing pet peeve from the top of the list! This one I can date. The summer between my finishing my bachelors and starting grad school (I think 1998) when the lingere strap tank top first became popular. That's when it started.
No doubt I'm dating myself here, but I remember a time when a woman would have been quite embarassed displaying her underwear in public.
Uh, some of us still exist. We seem to be a shrinking minority.
Now, it is not only quite common, but seems to be an intentional fashion statement.
And men do it too, and it looks just as bad on them.
I don't object to it - it's even a bit titillating in an adolescent sort of way - but it is a notable evolution in women's fashion.
Hmmm, maybe I'm friends with the biggest crop of liars in the world, but most of my male friends find it tacky as hell. Or maybe it's because they're younger than you and they're so used to it that not seeing the g-string (an item designed so underwear could be less detectable, i think that qualifies as ironic) sticking out of the pants is more attractive. Something about imagination. Or maybe they're just odd.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony