Let's see if I can catch up here. For the record, I pronounce things thusly:

Linux: Lynn ux (short "i")
Debian: Debb ee un (short inital e)
Suse: Suzie
Exe: eggsy (although I also use a "real" OS lol)
WWW: Doubleyou doubleyou doubleyou (I despise "dub dub dub")
SQL: Both Sequel and S-Q-L depending
OSX: Oh Ess Ten (had to break the Oh Ess Exx habit)
gif: hard G. Jif is a peanut butter, not a graphics format
jpg: jpeg

Hmm, did I miss any?

-- Gary F.
Eeyore, Original Owner -- Mk II 80 Gb, Blue S/N #090000803 Tigger, 2nd Owner -- Mk IIa, 80 Gb, Blue S/N #40103789