I don't "get" bluetooth.
What's the big freaking deal?
I keep asking the same thing.
Sorry, none of those answers were satisfactory to me. I still don't see the advantage, especially given the headaches that bluetooth causes on Windows systems. I guess it's another one of those instances where a bunch of people have had good experiences with it, and I've had nothing but bad luck. I've had little luck with bluetooth in every instance that I've tried it, including a mouse, keyboard, two phones, a headset, and hands-free car system (in a very nice Lexus). It's either not worked at all, or been so buggy that it stresses me out. I'm certain that bluetooth technology has taken at least a few days off my life
(and definitely my phone's life after being chucked at my dashboard).
I'll stick with my Logitech RF wireless mice which have had precisely zero problems since I've owned them, going on 6 years.