Reported it anyhow... USAA is good about not raising rates and stuff so I figured what the hell. They won't cover replacing the radar, not surprised there. F U C K. So can't afford to replace it right now. Ah well, guess I'll have to slow down a bit eh?

Ugh, that all sucks man. You sure do have some crappy luck with car stuff! I wish I hadn't sold my V1 not long ago, I could have sold it to you cheap....of course I'm glad I don't have mine anymore, I got way more tickets with it then without it. I realized I didn't have to drive everywhere at 95mph anymore. :-)

So the wagon doesn't have a lock on the hatch? Weird. My trunk was broken into back in March and they stole my sub and amps. As far as I could tell they just used a screwdriver on the lock.