I've had a bunch of questions lately. Most of them seem like pretty simple questions, and most I'm able to find out on my own through various forms of research. However, I've been keeping a running list of questions that I haven't been able to answer. Instead of creating a bunch of threads, I thought I'd post one post with the contents of my "Things to ask the empeg board" list. So, here they are:

1- Phonograph amplifiers
As new receivers start dropping phono inputs, is there something I can plug my turntable into and then plug that into something like a standard audio input.

2- Firefox upgrades - why full install?
Why is it that when there's an update to Firefox, it's a completely new installation?

3- what controls thumbnails in Windows
There is a particular person who works near me who wants to see all his images as thumbnails. The problem is that in thumbnail view, some images show thumbnails and some don't. It doesn't appear to be confined to certain file types, either. what decides whether a thumbnail appears?

4- importing cell phones
There's a Korean cell phone that I'm thinking about importing over here, since it meets the things I'm looking for in a phone. Does anyone know how well a phone like this would work on Verizon's network?

5- where is Count Chocula?
Count Chocula is a widely used cereal mascot, particularly in cartoon shows (The Simpsons sugar episode springs to mind). Why is it that it's impossible to find in the DC Metro area? It seems like General Mills got rid of it to foist upon us the horrible Chocolate Lucky Charms.

6- has anyone noticed the personal Google?
I always use the search bar in Firefox, so I only recently noticed that on the main Google page, the upper right-hand corner has a link to a Google portal. If I used GMail more, and didn't need quite as many links for my homepage, I suspect I'd use this pretty religiously, as it appears you can add RSS feeds as well as a number of other things.

7- SATA controller opinions?
I just bought two 300GB SATA hard disks. My mobo has two SATA ports, one of which is filled. So I decided to look for controller cards. Would I be crazy for looking at this one?

So there you have it. A list of questions. If this was a really stupid idea, I appologize. I thought it would be better than flooding. Thanks for any and all responses.