Thanks for keeping a good eye furtive. Also thank Bryce for notifying me. I was the next owner after Bryce of this Empeg, and it was stolen from my 93 honda civic approximately 6 moths ago. The car was parked in a parking garage at a casino when the theft occured. It has been a real drag having no mp3s for 6 months, lol. He doesnt have the sled because he never took it. He didnt take the remote either. Im not surprised that he doesnt know anything about the player either. I sold the sled on ebay a few months ago becuase I thought the player was gone for good. I sold my remote as well. I still have the ac adapter though, and an extra sled so I should be good to go. I will be contacting the Las Vegas Metro PD today to inform them of the guy on ebay and his stolen wares. If anyone can provide any more information please email me at My ebay usernames have been cyberbator and rion3030. Thanks again to this great empeg community for your help.


Could this be one gained from dubious sources? No mention of the sled or anything else. In fact the only info is a C&P of a very old news story about Rio releasing them in the US.