
Windows isn't affectable, either, if you're running without Admin privileges.

...and if gaining admin rights in Windows when needed worked like it does in OSX then more people would actually use non-admin accounts on Windows machines...

(but then a large number of Windows people who already get hit with rootkits, spyware, malware, viri, trojans etc would just enter their admin password when asked by any random bit of code anyway)


For those who haven't used OSX, when an app needs admin rights to do something (typically during install) a system dialog asks you to enter your admin password, to grant admin rights just to the process that asked for it. On Windows you would either have to temporarily change you account to have admin rights, or log on as a different user. In theory you could run installer/app in question as a different user, but I haven't ever had much success with that and installers.

Edited by andy (16/11/2005 06:30)
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday