The article I linked to certainly seemed to say the Tivo-to-go would be supported, and yes I noticed that it was announced in March. I don't remember hearing about it (although I'm sure someone will dig me up a thread on this bbs- I never followed the tivo vs directivo vs whatever threads).

I guess I like Tivo functionality, but I have no brand loyalty. If Comcast gives me Tivo functionality, I'll get it and drop Tivo. If they give me a hobbled version, I'll stick with the original. I sure would like to be able to Tivo high def shows (I'm not willing to move from cable).

Long term though, I don't see how Tivo competes with cable co. boxes (assuming their software evolves). The box I have is pretty easy to navigate and the on-demand works pretty well. I guess I'm not familiar with Tivo's patent portfolio, which would seem to be their only defence against the cable beasts.

While Comshaft's not perfect, neither's Tivo, their music streaming leaves a lot to be desired. It chokes (crashing the server-side software) if I try to shuffle play my whole collection (a mere 7000 or so songs). Pathetic for software on release 2.


Edited by Ezekiel (17/11/2005 19:21)