I just recently got a 99 BMW M3. I installed my Empeg about 2 weeks ago and it's working pretty well... I took a trip over the weekend and had some issues with overheating of the Empeg, though. We drove there Friday and the temp was about 50F for a 4 hour drive. No issues at all. I had the climate control set at 72-75F and all was fine. Coming back, though, it was about 40F (maybe) and about 2 hours into the trip, I got the high temp warning (I have it set to 59C). When I pulled the unit out of the sled it was very hot to the touch. I had the climate control at 80F. I felt inside the sled and it was extremely hot in the entire cavity. I let the Empeg cool for a bit and then put it back in and all was fine for the rest of the trip although I couldn't check the temp (I'd broken my encoder installing the light kit - damn super glue).

Well, today after repairing my encoder and finishing the light kit install, I also hooked up a fan I had installed a year or more ago. It ran the entire drive home. I had the climate control set at 75F and the Empeg was STILL running 43C after only a 45 min drive home from work!

Has anyone else had an issue like this with a BMW or any car and if so, anyone got a solution? I mean, the fan I have in is not a super high CFM fan, but I also had fan openings laser cut into the top for more ventilation (I had this done at a place I used to work a couple years ago). I am looking at building a temp controlled fan circuit but I do not tihnk it's going to solve the issue... and with winter coming up here where I am and the normal temperature sitting under 30F most of the time and needing to keep a warm car for my daughter, I'm needing a guaranteed solution.

Anyone have any ideas?