As predicted: thump, then no sound unless contact was interrupted or partially modified (dragging wire along terminal of C cell).

I used a 9V, which gave a nice thump and pinned the voice coil. The C cell (1.5V) was gentler, but still had the same result. I didn't keep either battery attached long enough for the battery to become warm or hot to the touch.

Any 'buzzing' would have to come from intermittent contact.

I've also seen the 'rotten surround' buzz. I replaced some surrounds on my old AR410's with (warning- nasty yellow website design). It wasn't inexpensive, but if you have otherwise functioning speakers that are worth keeping they gave me great service & a quality repair. I reconed & refoamed two 4" mids & two 8" woofers. They now sound as good as ever and are ready for their next 20 years of service.
