... Lots of things it could be, almost all of them easy to find, cheap to fix.
Agreed. In my case, however, I think the first place I have to start looking is the grounding of my empeg and amp. I need a direct line to the negative terminal of the battery instead of going through the sheetmetal. I've been reading in the FAQ about ground loops and refreshing my memory concerning the typical install problems and solutions.
Hopefully that will fix the whine as well as stabilize the voltage seen by the player.
If that doesn't do the trick I would then look at the positive supply from the factory harness- maybe routing something more direct.
After that I'd go looking at charging system issues as you've suggested. The thing is that the car is quite happy and I don't have any reason to suspect the alternator or battery at this time.
Farmtech seems to have found a solution for his problem, but I'm going to go looking around under the hood and dash before I try mods to the player. I've got to start looking tonight- I've got a long drive to Las Vegas this weekend! 
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)