I got the CueCat working, and it, with DVD Profiler let me catalog about 50 DVD's in under 5 minutes!!!

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I just got a CueCat to replace the functional-yet-ridiculous camera rig I had going. It worked really well, but it was just too cumbersome to be useful. The CueCat is great because that's all you need. I no longer have to get out my camcorder, set up the tripod in front of a bright light, and get everything working just perfectly. Now I can just swipe the CueCat on the barcode and I'm done!

I have one problem, though: my CueCat is a heavy sleeper. I mean, I know cats sleep a lot, but this is ridiculous! After I plug in the device, it takes about 10 seconds for Windows to recognize it and finish loading it. Then I have a solid red light out of the front of the CueCat and everything is fine! However, if I stop scanning for about a minute, the CueCat goes to sleep and the LED only blinks steadily. The problem is that nothing can wake it. The manual basically says to point it at something or cover the front with your finger. Neither works. Other pages say that basically the CueCat will wake up when it recognizes its own blinking, so if I point it at a reflective surface or a white piece of paper, it should wake. But it doesn't! The only thing I can do is to remove the CueCat and plug it in again.

Any ideas?