yeah....on one of the days when I was a stand-in for Kevin Kline, I was sitting at Guy Noir's desk and they were setting up the lighting. PT Anderson was sitting right across from discussin the camera angles and he told me to 'move to the right' or something like that and i thought 'cool...i got to be directed by Altman and Paul Thomas Anderson'. That was the only thing PT said to me, but it was cool nonetheless.... On the set, Kevin Kline didn't say much, he pretty much stayed in character most of the time. On a day I was a stagehand, we were sitting in that same room (Guy Noir's office) and me & the other stagehand noticed Kevin drawing something..... we managed to sneek a look at what he was drawing, and it turned out to be a portait of Abraham Lincoln with a big top hat.... it was very strange.... there are a couple of pics from the premiere on my Flickr site