Thanks guys. Yeah it's a single drive although Commvault comes with 5 File Agents which means I can back from 5 different machines across the network. I do have a second backup server it might be nice to back up and it's possible a third exchange server might appear soon.

I'm trying to get a lead out of a account rep but that's looking harder than it sounds. I might just ring the gold support number I have for the server instead (which was bought separately from the drive and tapes) and see what I can get. I've just got to find the number of course. It's not like they tell you what it is. It does mean not talking to someone in India which is often handy.

It's OEM, so Dell really should support it. I've probably left it too long though.

It does look powerful, but there are just things I can't seem to do and help is all done through a custom Java app, so it's pain in the proverbial to even search.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)