If it rang, I could push a button and talk to someone.
If it didn't ring, I could push a button and then dial and talk to someone.
Then you need the Motorola StarTac 7868W, the greatest "just a phone" ever created. Too bad they are not E911 capable and thus not allowed to be activated on any American wireless network.
I knew I never should have deactivated mine for the Treo. My StarTac, was grandfathered pre-E911 requirement and going strong long after Verizon wanted me to be rid of it. Now this Treo occasionally doesn't ring for incoming calls, the bluetooth headset doesn't answer the phone, the phone locks or randomly reboots, and I almost get in car accidents trying to navigate the menus to dial a phone number.
I've heard that if you call Verizon (or your carier) and ask very nicely and desperately, they may let you activate a StarTac on their system. Somewhere I read that the federal government allowed only a tiny percentage of all phones on the network to be non-E911 compatible. It felt nice to be in that rebel minority for a while.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set