I just ordered an 8GB iPod Nano to replace my ancient 2nd-gen iPod. I'm also going to try out the Nike+iPod running attachment to see how well that works. I wonder whether it will interfere with my heart rate monitor. Seems like a setting, in a bad scifi flick, for something to go horribly awry.
The iTV thing may be utterly brilliant or may just be useless crap. A lot of that depends on what it does and doesn't support. If it's got a VNC-style remote display protocol, then it could turn your TV into a full-blown remote terminal for your computer. The million-dollar question is whether Apple will have licensed HD content available for download and/or whether this thing will be useful as a remote DVD player. Imagine if Apple supported DVD ripping / compression and managed to keep the DVD menus intact. That would be a hell of a winner, but it's probably held back as much by Hollywood politics as any technical issues. If we're lucky (or Apple's hardware people were sufficiently clever), then the protocols will be easy to reverse engineer and third-party hackers will add in all the necessary functionality.
Of course, you could just shell out the extra bucks for a Mac Mini, hook that into the home theater, and be done with it. (Which is what it looks like I'll be doing when I eventually get myself a shiny new flat panel...)