Also, while I think that outlawing gambling is stupid, I'm more outraged by the piggybacking.
No, this is exactly right. I'm bummed about the gambling, but I can accept it. In fact, if this bill had come through and been voted on on it's own merrits, I wouldn't have been overjoyed, but I would have felt like the system was working and I just ended up on the wrong side of the will of the people. But this way just made me feel as if I were completely at the mercy of a few people in a position of power. THAT is what I don't like. And like I said, I've been feeling this way more recently about a lot of the goings on, this was just the big slap in the face I couldn't ignore.

If you can just convince more people like you that the people they're voting for don't represent them, maybe you can help pull the Republican party back from the loonybin.
Yeah, I've actually read an article by a conserative Repulican who just ranted about this and what's become of the party and how awful it is. There are people who want to turn it around, but I don't know if it's possible.

Most likely I'll find some completely unelectable person who represents me and vote for him/her. Doesn't accomplish much in the grand scheme of things, but it'll make me feel better.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.