I know version 1.1 is going to have a way to "mark" songs with a key on the remote... what I want is a way to tell it what I plan on doing with that song. This could be done by a customizable table of mark commands. This table could be modified on the computer & synchronized with the empeg, so that when you press the "mark" key, it will display a list of the "mark-actions" that can be selected.
For example:
[(mark) (mark)] = "Re-Rip"
[(mark) (0)] = "Add to Favorites"
[(mark) (1)] = "Delete"
[(mark) (2)] = (undefined1)
[(mark) (3)] = (undefined2)
[(mark) (9)] = (undefined8)

where [(key1) (key2)] =
key1 -> first key press
key2 -> second key press
action -> user defined mark-action to select.

So, in the above case, if you press the "mark" key, it will display:

Re-Rip | Add to Favorites | Delete

with "Re-Rip" selected as default.

What do you think?
