As long as YOU agree. GWB "leads" this way and you aren't too keen on it last I checked.
Your selective quoting kinda loses the context of my statement. On healthcare, I would appreciate any true leadership. If it's something I don't agree with, it's at least a starting point. GWB's "plan", in fact, is a step in the right direction. It's certainly not enough of a step, and it will benefit those who already have healthcare more than those who do not, but I applaud him for at least paying lip service to an issue other than Iraq and Social Security "reform." I also didn't like the specifics of the Clinton healthcare plan, but it served to at least get the issue moving at a time when not many were talking about it.
Or, to put it another way, there are issues that can benefit from some bold, controversial, and possibly unpopular leadership. Ensuring that every American has access to affordable healthcare that doesn't break the bank of paying consumers and line the pockets of plan providers is one of those issues, in my book. The decision to invade Iraq, Iran, and whoever is next on their list is one that could probably benefit more from some concensus thinking and sober analysis of the details.