Displayserver is a web-server for the empeg. It's primary goal was to show the empeg's display in a java-applet, hence it's name. Version 1.1 also has functions to download MP3's from your empeg and let it act as a pseudo shoutcast-server. It can be obtained from http://empeg.dyndns.org/empeg under displayserver1.1
There isn't a FAQ right now, only a technical description of how to install and run it. As 2.0 sees daylight, I will try to make some fancy HTML-page describing it's functions and various other stuff. I just downloaded HTML-KIT; boy, that's a great HTML-editor...

version 2.0 is a rewrite from 1.1 with some extra functionality :
- empeg acting as filetaxi
- customizible web-interface
- custimizible java-applet
- ability to install user CGI-scripts
- backup your empeg
- web-based text-editor for your empeg
- some stuff which isn't tested yet...

Frank van Gestel

Edited by fvgestel on 18/04/01 08:18 PM.

Frank van Gestel