If I want to paint my house an emerald green with hot-pink trim, then I'll be damned if anyone other than my family will have a say in the matter.

And I would hope you'd tell me before you did, so I could sell my home before my property values went down.

You can find out I'm painting my house when the ladder is leaning up against the wall. Truthfully, I'm not really going to paint my house in garish colours like that -- I have a more refined colour sense than that -- it's the principle of the thing. While I will be a friendly, and considerate neighbour, willing to watch your pets while you're away on vacation, and not hold loud parties keeping you up all night, that consideration stops far short of giving a flying fig what you think of my landscaping, exterior decorating, or the rest of the curb appeal of my house. I'm under no obligation to help you maintain your property value, and don't want you constrained by some false sense of duty to my property value, either. I'm buying my home as a place to live first, and as an investment second -- not the other way around. I'll keep up the exterior of my house for no other reason other than my own satisfaction in having a nice place to live.

Also, you said that you were restricted to what you could do inside a home? You must have a pretty damn strict HOA.

Excluding having a landlord (and hence not actually owning my current place), I've never had an HOA, and never will.

I didn't think CC&R's applied to the interior. We can do and have done plenty to our place already.

And yet you're capitulating to the demands of the HOA on your interior decorating choices.

Me? If you don't like my blinds? I'll tell you to either stop trying to look in my windows, or offer to buy me something to replace them.
