At least 60% of the photos in that slideshow I'd consider just average "snapshots" - nothing any random person could or would not shoot in the course of a year, regardless of where they live. A number had interesting and what seemed like conscious compositions. A few more had technical merit on the use of post-processing tools for the manipulation of high dynamic range and merging of multiple exposures with other properties.

I didn't see a single image that made me think "wow" with regards to the talent of the person behind the camera.

Regardless of what tool you use, knowing how to use it to achieve what you want makes the world of difference. Lately I've been using my brother's Nikon E8800 and it's a decent little camera. However, having to constantly fiddle in menus and with the less than ideal control layout takes away from some of the spontaneity and fun. It's also caused a number of wasted opportunities. In some instances I'd have been able to produce far superior results and in less time with the old Minolta X700 I used to use.

You can take incredible photos right in your own back yard/neighborhood. You don't need exotic locations to make beautiful photographs.
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