The nice thing that Apple needs to take note of is that all the software features are also going to be available to previous Zune owners via a firmware upgrade.

I'd argue that what Apple needs to take note of is that they need to update their horrible UI on the classic iPods. The first gen Zune UI was laughable, but the new touches make a huge difference. The pad also looks a lot more usable than Apple's click-wheel. It looks like the Zune has the equivalent of 7 buttons plus vertical and horizontal touch input (2 dimensions). The iPod has 5 and only 1 dimension of touch input (clockwise and counter-clockwise).

I'm sure the Zune doesn't get everything right, but the videos I've seen make it look quite decent. WiFi syncing should also be a decent new addition. WiFi is rather pointless for anything else except possible web access to or from the unit (an http daemon would be great on it) or some other mechanism to allow control of the Zune from other devices on your network.

The screen is also very nice, but what's with the measly 80GB on the top end?

Apple has been showing a serious lack of progress on the UI front in the entire product range over the past two years. It gets tiring putting up with "just barely good enough." Same goes for their new touch-based devices, including the iPhone (I had at least 10 gripes after using one for only 10 minutes).
Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software