One thing that annoys me in Vista is that Windows Explorer always opens to the same default window size that is too small to be useful. So every time I open it, before I can do anything useful, I have to drag out the window dimensions both horizontally and vertically.

A Google search for [url="windows+explorer"+doesn%27t+remember+window+size&btnG=Google+Search]Vista "windows explorer" doesn't remember window size[/url] gave up nearly 90,000 hits, and a random sampling of the first dozen or so seems to indicate that there is no solution There are a lot of people unhappy about this, including myself. And no, the "Tools>Folder Options>View>Apply to All..." thing doesn't fix the problem.

One suggestion was that holding the Ctrl key while closing the window would cause Vista to remember the settings. Haven't had a chance to try it (my work computer is XP) but others have said it doesn't work, or it works intermittantly. I was looking for a one-time fix (Registry edit? Parameter setting somewhere?) that would just take care of it.

So, does anyone here know of a solution?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"