Don't be left in the dark, you can get HID conversion kits fairly cheaply nowadays. I've been using an H7 bulb replacement kit on dip beam for 18 months now (bought from eBay/HK) and I wouldn't go back. Local legislations may prohibit this where you live, and I've also seen a lot of naysayers scaremonger folks away from installing these kits - check with your vehicle testing station. I made a point of mentioning the upgrade at my car's annual vehicle test (MOT) and the tester didn't have any objections.

Thankfully there's no inspection here (although there should be everywhere), so no trouble that way.

Unfortunately, my car has the dual beam bulbs, and there's a real lack of good info on dual beam HID lights. Most offer bulbs that don't move, so you lose high beam. Others it seem one can't be sure of what you're getting...

I did convert from the 2004 light to H4, so it seems converting to HID *should* be easy...