I think my unit's pre-amp section went kaput last night while in a 0.00 volume condition for an extended period of time. I listen like this quite a lot and have not had any trouble in the 5 years I have owned the unit. The amps are fine, the cables are good, and after all trouble shooting is done, I am left staring at the deck...there is no output. Again this morning, no output...I was hoping the magical electrical fairies would do there magic overnight...tis the season you know.

I am on the verge of checking in to a sanitarium! What will I do without my Empeg?

Anyway, if you have one to sell, email me your contact info, price, details, preferred payment method, etc...to golfweapons@hotmail.com and I will send you my phone number so we can chat about a potential deal.

If anyone has any insight as to what the heck happened I would sure be appreciative! I would HATE to carry a CD again.

Thanks a ton folks!