The quiz tells me Obama, but I know better. To me, Edwards is the best candidate among the Democratic frontrunners. Since he isn't likely to win the nomination, Obama is a good second choice. Hillary is the weakest of the 3, IMHO, but I would happily choose her above any of the GOP nominees or any 3rd party effort from Ron Paul, Bloomberg, or anyone else. I'm very pleased with the Democratic field this year and think any of them would make a "good" President.

On the GOP side, I don't see any good options at all. Frankly, anything would be an upgrade from Bush, but all of them have significant dealbreakers. Rudy! 9iu11iani would be a warmongering tyrant the likes of which we have never seen in our country (worse than Bush, I think.) Romney is a complete phony, and would run the country without rhyme or reason just to keep his approval numbers high. McCain is a filthy stinking liar who for some reason has a reputation as a "straight talker." Huckabee's more suited to be a televangelist than he is President. And Ron Paul, the only candidate who has the right position on the most important issue (Iraq) is completely batshit insane.

So, more than likely, I'll end up voting Obama in the general unless something crazy happens between now and then.
- Tony C
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