Hmm.. I still have issues with Emplode doing a full disk scan after running fidsift from the batch file.
It seems that the windows ftp is timing out before fidsift is finished and then (I'm guessing) leaving the drives mounted rw.
So, I went looking around online for help with the ftp command line and tried to find a way to make it *not* time out.
I wasn't successful in learning about ftp options.

I did find
this knowledgebase article from MS that said the timeout is defaulted to 60 seconds and only a special hotfix will allow you to select a different setting by editing the registry.
Not good news.
I was able to execute fidsift through my Filezilla FTP client, but it, too, timed out! I could change the timeout settings easily, though, and it worked after that.
It seems that ftp.exe likes to time out after only 10 seconds, so that's weird. Filezilla was defaulted at 20 seconds and still timed out earlier than that! WTF? Changing Filezilla's timeout to 200 seemed to help, but more likely by that time fidsift had been run enough to finish what it had (stutteringly) started.
I wish I could:
a. get feedback to the cmd window of how things are going with the batch file execution steps
b. extend the timeout so that fidsift is not interrupted
c. know that the batch file has completed all of its tasks before the cmd window disappears in a puff of pixels.
Heck- maybe I should go about this a different way...
I've never delved into the config.ini file, but I have to bet that there's a way to use Mark's EXEC functionality to run fidsift all on the empeg. Am I wrong on that?
*sigh* It does work- it is working- sort of. I'd sure like to make it work better.