The Germans swap the comma and 'period' marks from what the rest of us are used to.

Eins komma drei = 1,3 => one point three = 1.3

Thousand separators are 'period marks'.
So, $2,945.23 would be $2.945,23.

Instead of 'Billion' they say (sorry, I can only manage my own poor phonetic version on this) 'mil-yard-en'.

And, as a side note, they measure blood alcohol level in thousandths (german= 'pro mil') instead of hundredths (english= 'percent')

Fun, huh?

Oh- and Bitt edits his post with tons more info for all across Europe while I'm feebly putting mine up. fine then. grumblegrumble


Edited by Robotic (26/04/2008 01:28)
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10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)