I think that Picasa broke my Windows Explorer module in Vista. On a whim and on recommendation of a few people, I installed Picasa2.

Now, Explorer will still show me directory trees, and will open up any document files (.txt, .doc, .xls, etc.) But if I try and open any graphics file -- .jpg, .bmp, .png, .tif, .wma, .mov -- I get an instant error message: "Windows Explorer has Stopped Working" and then it goes to the "do you want to send information to Microsoft" bit, then the screen resets and I'm back to the desktop.

Hmmm... Explorer will open .pdf files, which are sort of graphics, aren't they? It seems to be some sort of file association problem maybe? I can open Windows Paint, create a .jpg file, but when I try to open it with Explorer it crashes.

I can open it with Nero, and I may have other graphics programs (including Picasa) that will open it, but Explorer crashes instantly. Uninstalling Picasa doesn't help.

How can I fix this?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"