Originally Posted By: drakino
While I can somewhat understand the deep techie need to manage down to the file level, I never quite understood why people practically require it as a feature on MP3 players. The empeg pretty much showed very good reasons for using a database method for music, I can't imagine having a drag and drop MP3 player with gigs of music.

A good compromise would be to let the device accept files via drag and drop, but then internally have the software on the device add them to the database. That way you can get away from poor syncing software, but still get the benefits of having a database.

The Trekstor Vibez works the way you describe (as do Carbon and Forge, for that matter). If I had to choose between a player with a database, and a player with mass-storage class ("drive-letter") support, that'd be a really difficult decision. But it's a false dichotomy: I'd rather choose a player with both. Or rather, all three: having a database on the player allows useful advanced UI features; having a database in the PC software allows useful advanced sync features; and having mass-storage support (or, via Ethernet, FTP) as the mediation between those two databases allows other useful stuff such as non-music-file support and zero-PC-footprint music adding or deleting (in Internet cafes, for instance).

Some other MP3 players have a halfway-house solution, where dragged-and-dropped music is accessible through a Folders menu, but doesn't get folded-in to the soup menus except by the PC-side software. Iriver players used to work like that, and we considered it for Sapphire as a fall-back solution if we couldn't get the real thing working in time. (Eventually the database turned out to not be among Sapphire's biggest problems.)

Quite frankly, it's a royal pain that the car-player isn't drag-and-drop. But the Trekstor Vibez self-databasing code is a lot more complex and was a lot more work than what went into the car-player. (And writing our own USB mass-storage target, when we came to do it, was no fun at all. But if anyone were making the Empeg these days, Linux 2.6 has one built-in.)
